A story told through art heritage, and meticulous craftsmanship.

When we came to think of the right name to represent this brand and what it really stands for, we were really inspired by the vast range of collectibles we have on hand. And there is no better way to put it into words… and there is no country in the history of mankind that has been on such an incredible Odyssey, like our beloved Egypt. A story told through art, heritage, and meticulous craftsmanship.

Our Journey

Our journey does not start today, It dates back to 1935, when Egypt Gold, our parent group,

Our journey does not start today, It dates back to 1935, when Egypt Gold, our parent group, started our biggest dream to reshape to the face of the gold and jewelry industry with innovative world class designs. Today, Egypt Gold is the leading luxury jewelry designer and distributor through some of its reputable brands; namely, Iram Jewelry, Siran , EG Diamond, BTC, among others. Through Odyssey Antiques, Egypt Gold is telling a new story of success and artistic innovation, by digging deeper into the tales of this land we live on.

Our Vision

To position Odyssey as a collective art space where history meets the modern, and the tales of Egyptian treasures are best told.

Our Mission

To create a culturally rich destination with a diverse collection of artistic pieces that connect generations by giving more than one lifetime to treasures from the past