Painting By Mohamed AbdelGalil#1
Oil on canvas

"المراحل الدراسية

- معهد رسم وتصميم هندسى .


- رئيس مجلس ادارة جمعية ألوان وإبداعات مصرية للفنون التشكيلية.
- نائب رئيس مجلس ادارة جمعية اهداف جديدة للتطوير والتنمية .
- عضو الجمعية الأهلية للفنون الجميلة .
- عضو جمعية أصالة لرعاية الفنون التراثية المعاصرة .
- عضو الاتحاد العام لرعاية نشئ وشباب العمال .
- مؤسس جماعة ألوان مصرية للفنون التشكيلة .
- عضو جمعية فنانى الغورى.
- عضو جماعة الجوف بالسعودية.
- عضوساقية عبد المنعم الصاوى.
- عضو جمعية صحبة فن .

الوظائف و المهن التى اضطلع بها الفنان

- العمل فى مجال الهندسة الفنية والإليكترونيات .
- أعمال حرة فى مجال الديكور .
- نائب مدير مركز صيانة بشركة الأمين للأنظمة التكنولوجية .
- مدرب فنون تشكيلية بنادى العروبة.
- مدرب فنون تشكيلية باتحاد شباب العمال التابع للمجلس القومى للشباب.
مدرب فنون تشكيلية بوحدة تنمية المهارات الفنية بكلية البنات جامعة عين شمس"
14,000.00 EGP 14000.0 EGP
Painting By Mohamed Sami#8
Oil on canvas

"Mohamed Sami is an artist who graduated from the Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University in 2006.
He participated in many group exhibitions and received many awards and honors from the state in the field of oil painting.
He also participated in painting workshops at the Opera House and worked as a lecturer in more than one art academy.
He has holdings in Egypt and some Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia and Lebanon"
15,000.00 EGP 15000.0 EGP
Painting By Ahmed Sakr#4
Mixed media on canvas
Ahmed Sakr was born in Born Menoufia. Sakr held 52 special exhibitions in photography, drawing, engraving, and composite works in Egypt and abroad. He won 25 local and international awards.

Sakr has participated in more than 125 international and local group exhibitions, participated in more than 40 international workshops in graphics, photography and sculpture

150,000.00 EGP 150000.0 EGP
Painting By Ashraf Reda#3
Acrylic on Canvas
Ashraf Reda lives in Cairo, has a distinguished career, and exceptional talent, holds a solo exhibition and has participated in various local group exhibitions. He won more than 40 awards locally and internationally.
200,000.00 EGP 200000.0 EGP
Painting By Mohamed Sami#3
Acrylic on canvas

"Mohamed Sami is an artist who graduated from the Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University in 2006.
He participated in many group exhibitions and received many awards and honors from the state in the field of oil painting.
He also participated in painting workshops at the Opera House and worked as a lecturer in more than one art academy.
He has holdings in Egypt and some Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia and Lebanon"
15,000.00 EGP 15000.0 EGP
Painting By Lina Ali#2
Oil On Canvas
"Lina Ali Amin 49 years old Egyptian artist , working in the field of art for more than 20 years , her art reflects a lot of her passion for sports specially equestrian show jumping ,

During her artistic journey, which includes 7 solo exhibitions and her participation in more than 53 joint exhibitions inside and outside Egypt, she touched on several topics between horses & the beauty of their movement, darawish, dancers , landscapes, specifically abstract inspired by nature ."
17,000.00 EGP 17000.0 EGP
Painting By Eman Hakim#21
Pastel on cardboard
Eman Hakim is an Egyptian artist, who has won many awards. She is influenced intellectually and artistically by observing human souls deeply
18,500.00 EGP 18500.0 EGP
Painting By Mohamed Wahba#3
Mohamed Wahba#3
A comics artist who studied art in Japan, Korea and Fount Mohamed participated in many local and international exhibitions and festivals, like Storyboard festival in France, Storyboard salon in German, Urban painters in Russia & Comics week in Austrian Cultural Center in Egypt
61,112.00 EGP 61112.0 EGP
Painting By Eman Hakim#6
Oil & Acrylic on canvas
Eman Hakim is an Egyptian artist, who has won many awards. She is influenced intellectually and artistically by observing human souls deeply
53,850.00 EGP 53850.0 EGP
Painting By Eman Hakim#9
Oil & Acrylic on canvas
Eman Hakim is an Egyptian artist, who has won many awards. She is influenced intellectually and artistically by observing human souls deeply
46,200.00 EGP 46200.0 EGP
Painting By Amr Salama#8
Silk Screen On Paper
Amr Salama is a fine artist, a lecturer at the Faculty of Education, Art Education Department, a member of the Fine Artists Syndicate, a member of the Cairo Atelier for Artists and Writers, and a member of the National Society of Fine Arts.
40,000.00 EGP 40000.0 EGP
Painting By Amr Salama#9
Silk Screen on Cotton paper& Gold paper
Amr Salama is a fine artist, a lecturer at the Faculty of Education, Art Education Department, a member of the Fine Artists Syndicate, a member of the Cairo Atelier for Artists and Writers, and a member of the National Society of Fine Arts.
70,000.00 EGP 70000.0 EGP
Painting By Ahmed Sakr#5
Mixed media on canvas
Ahmed Sakr was born in Born Menoufia. Sakr held 52 special exhibitions in photography, drawing, engraving, and composite works in Egypt and abroad. He won 25 local and international awards.

Sakr has participated in more than 125 international and local group exhibitions, participated in more than 40 international workshops in graphics, photography and sculpture
230,000.00 EGP 230000.0 EGP
Painting By Essam Taha#1
Oil On Canvas
Essam Taha is an artist with unique artistic touches inspired by his interest in going deeper into human feelings. In his artworks, he is usually interested in the spirit of color, sketches, and the rapid movement of things rather than the temporary or direct moment.
33,000.00 EGP 33000.0 EGP
Painting By Ashraf Reda#4
Acrylic on Canvas
Ashraf Reda lives in Cairo, has a distinguished career, and exceptional talent, holds a solo exhibition and has participated in various local group exhibitions. He won more than 40 awards locally and internationally.
160,000.00 EGP 160000.0 EGP
Painting By Ahmed Sakr#7
Mixed media on canvas
Ahmed Sakr was born in Born Menoufia. Sakr held 52 special exhibitions in photography, drawing, engraving, and composite works in Egypt and abroad. He won 25 local and international awards.

Sakr has participated in more than 125 international and local group exhibitions, participated in more than 40 international workshops in graphics, photography and sculpture
230,000.00 EGP 230000.0 EGP
Painting ByAmr Salama#11
Silk Screen on Cotton paper& Gold paper

"Born in 1965 - Bachelor in Art Education, Helwan University 1989 – Master degree in Art Education 2001 - PhD in Art Education - specializing in Textile Printing 2012.

Lecturer at the Faculty of Education - Art Education Department – Suez Canal University in Ismailia

* Member of the Plastic Artists Syndicate - Member of the Cairo Atelier for Artists and Writers - Member of the National Society of Fine Arts - Member of the Cairo Group for Fine Arts - Cairo Art Guild

* Group exhibitions from 1994 until now

Including: First Textiles Salon, Public Exhibition, National Graphic Art Exhibition, Mahmoud Saeed Museum in Alexandria, Ebdaa Gallery, Duroub Gallery, Picasso East Gallery, Note Gallery, American University, Samah Gallery, Odyssey Gallery, Wahba Al-Attar Gallery, annual exhibitions of the Faculty of Art Education Exhibitions of the National Association, exhibitions of the Cairo Group for Fine Arts CAG, Suez Canal University, Suez Canal Authority, 6 October University, Ahmed Shawky Museum, Pullman Doha Hotel - Qatar."
70,000.00 EGP 70000.0 EGP
Painting By Mohamed Sami#6
Acrylic on canvas

"Mohamed Sami is an artist who graduated from the Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University in 2006.
He participated in many group exhibitions and received many awards and honors from the state in the field of oil painting.
He also participated in painting workshops at the Opera House and worked as a lecturer in more than one art academy.
He has holdings in Egypt and some Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia and Lebanon"
12,000.00 EGP 12000.0 EGP
Painting By Eman Hakim#19
Oil & Acrylic on canvas
Eman Hakim is an Egyptian artist, who has won many awards. She is influenced intellectually and artistically by observing human souls deeply
9,250.00 EGP 9250.0 EGP
Painting By Mohamed Sami#7
Acrylic on canvas

"Mohamed Sami is an artist who graduated from the Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University in 2006.
He participated in many group exhibitions and received many awards and honors from the state in the field of oil painting.
He also participated in painting workshops at the Opera House and worked as a lecturer in more than one art academy.
He has holdings in Egypt and some Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia and Lebanon"
12,000.00 EGP 12000.0 EGP