Painting By Eman Hakim#15
Oil on canvas
Eman Hakim is an Egyptian artist, who has won many awards. She is influenced intellectually and artistically by observing human souls deeply
24,000.00 EGP 24000.0 EGP
Painting By Wagih Yassa#10

"المراحل الدراسية

- ليسانس كلية الآداب قسم اللغة الانجليزية جامعة القاهرة .


- عضو الجمعية الكندية للبورتريه .
-عضو الجمعية الكندية للألوان المائية .

الوظائف و المهن التى اضطلع بها الفنان

- عضو فى مجلس تورنتو للتعليم ( تدريس الفنون الجميلة ) .
- عمل رساماً بمجلتى روزاليوسف، صباح الخير .

الأماكن التى عاش بها الفنان

- يعيش ما بين مصر وكندا ."
12,000.00 EGP 12000.0 EGP
Painting By Wagih Yassa#1
Oil Colors

"المراحل الدراسية

- ليسانس كلية الآداب قسم اللغة الانجليزية جامعة القاهرة .


- عضو الجمعية الكندية للبورتريه .
-عضو الجمعية الكندية للألوان المائية .

الوظائف و المهن التى اضطلع بها الفنان

- عضو فى مجلس تورنتو للتعليم ( تدريس الفنون الجميلة ) .
- عمل رساماً بمجلتى روزاليوسف، صباح الخير .

الأماكن التى عاش بها الفنان

- يعيش ما بين مصر وكندا ."
20,000.00 EGP 20000.0 EGP
Painting By Lina Ali#8
Oil On Canvas
"Lina Ali Amin 49 years old Egyptian artist , working in the field of art for more than 20 years , her art reflects a lot of her passion for sports specially equestrian show jumping ,

During her artistic journey, which includes 7 solo exhibitions and her participation in more than 53 joint exhibitions inside and outside Egypt, she touched on several topics between horses & the beauty of their movement, darawish, dancers , landscapes, specifically abstract inspired by nature ."
16,000.00 EGP 16000.0 EGP
Painting By Wagih Yassa#16
Wagih Yassa#16
Passionate about art since his childhood, Wajih Yassa is a graduate of English Literature, businessman and illustrator, recognized worldwide as the best professional character illustrator. He has worked in many magazines in Egypt from US Documents. He has been nominated as a member of the Canadian Photo Society for Watercolor Control in Canada. He participated in many exhibition groups in Egypt. In 2023 and 2024, he held two solo exhibitions based on his favorite subject, which is music and singing
21,603.00 EGP 21603.0 EGP
Painting By Amr Salama#1
Silk Screen on Cotton Paper And Gold Paper
Amr Salama#1
Amr Salama is a fine artist, a lecturer at the Faculty of Education, Art Education Department, a member of the Fine Artists Syndicate, a member of the Cairo Atelier for Artists and Writers, and a member of the National Society of Fine Arts.
60,000.00 EGP 60000.0 EGP
Painting By Lina Ali#7
Oil On Canvas
"Lina Ali Amin 49 years old Egyptian artist , working in the field of art for more than 20 years , her art reflects a lot of her passion for sports specially equestrian show jumping ,

During her artistic journey, which includes 7 solo exhibitions and her participation in more than 53 joint exhibitions inside and outside Egypt, she touched on several topics between horses & the beauty of their movement, darawish, dancers , landscapes, specifically abstract inspired by nature ."
14,000.00 EGP 14000.0 EGP
Painting By Wagih Yassa#6

"المراحل الدراسية

- ليسانس كلية الآداب قسم اللغة الانجليزية جامعة القاهرة .


- عضو الجمعية الكندية للبورتريه .
-عضو الجمعية الكندية للألوان المائية .

الوظائف و المهن التى اضطلع بها الفنان

- عضو فى مجلس تورنتو للتعليم ( تدريس الفنون الجميلة ) .
- عمل رساماً بمجلتى روزاليوسف، صباح الخير .

الأماكن التى عاش بها الفنان

- يعيش ما بين مصر وكندا ."
12,000.00 EGP 12000.0 EGP
Painting By Amr Salama#6
Silk Screen on Cotton Paper and Gold Paper
Amr Salama is a fine artist, a lecturer at the Faculty of Education, Art Education Department, a member of the Fine Artists Syndicate, a member of the Cairo Atelier for Artists and Writers, and a member of the National Society of Fine Arts.
7,000.00 EGP 7000.0 EGP
Painting By Amr Salama#5
Silk Screen on Cotton Paper and Gold Paper
Amr Salama is a fine artist, a lecturer at the Faculty of Education, Art Education Department, a member of the Fine Artists Syndicate, a member of the Cairo Atelier for Artists and Writers, and a member of the National Society of Fine Arts.
7,000.00 EGP 7000.0 EGP
Painting By Waleed Yassin#4
Oil On Canvas

"وليد ياسين، فنان تشكيلى من مواليد القاهرة 1961، عشق الفنون منذ نعومة أظافره، ودرس العمارة باعتبارها أم الفنون، ما نمى داخله النواحى الفنية سواء فى الرسم أو التصوير، إلى أن تخرج فى كلية الفنون الجميلة سنة 1983
هو الفنان الذي صور بفرشاته، بورتريهات، البسطاء في شوارع مصر المحروسة.
تلك الوجوه المبتسمة رغم المحن والصعاب فلا رفاهية عيش ولارغد حياة.
حتى حين صور بورتريهات المشاهير من الممثلين صورهم وهم يتقمصون دور هؤلاء الكادحين.
الفنان وليد ياسين فنان مصري عشق مصر فكان العشق مدادا لفرشاته نثره شوقا على صفحة اللوحات. مصري حتى النخاع جاب بنا النجوع والقري نتنشق معه عطر الوطن في لوحات ابداعية رائعة.
أجمل ما فى لوحات الفنان وليد ياسين أنها تعبر وتوثق للتنوع الذى تتمتع به مصر فى أزيائها ووجوه أبنائها وحياتهم البسيطة.
يرسم الفان وليد ياسين إما مباشرةً من الطبيعة، أو من الصور التى يقوم بتصويرها، فاللقطات التى بها حركة لا يمكن رسمها فى الحال، ويستعين بالصور لنقل التفاصيل، لكن فى كلتا الحالتين لا بد أن يعيش أجواء اللوحة على الطبيعة، للشعور بروح المكان والتفاصيل، فلا تكون علاقته باللوحة مجردة."
65,000.00 EGP 65000.0 EGP
Painting By Wagih Yassa#8
Oil on canvas

"المراحل الدراسية

- ليسانس كلية الآداب قسم اللغة الانجليزية جامعة القاهرة .


- عضو الجمعية الكندية للبورتريه .
-عضو الجمعية الكندية للألوان المائية .

الوظائف و المهن التى اضطلع بها الفنان

- عضو فى مجلس تورنتو للتعليم ( تدريس الفنون الجميلة ) .
- عمل رساماً بمجلتى روزاليوسف، صباح الخير .

الأماكن التى عاش بها الفنان

- يعيش ما بين مصر وكندا ."
40,000.00 EGP 40000.0 EGP
Painting By Wagih Yassa#4
Oil Colors

"المراحل الدراسية

- ليسانس كلية الآداب قسم اللغة الانجليزية جامعة القاهرة .


- عضو الجمعية الكندية للبورتريه .
-عضو الجمعية الكندية للألوان المائية .

الوظائف و المهن التى اضطلع بها الفنان

- عضو فى مجلس تورنتو للتعليم ( تدريس الفنون الجميلة ) .
- عمل رساماً بمجلتى روزاليوسف، صباح الخير .

الأماكن التى عاش بها الفنان

- يعيش ما بين مصر وكندا ."
25,000.00 EGP 25000.0 EGP
Painting By Eman Hakim#1
Oil & Acrylic on canvas
Eman Hakim is an Egyptian artist, who has won many awards. She is influenced intellectually and artistically by observing human souls deeply
18,500.00 EGP 18500.0 EGP
Painting By Khaled Sorour#1
Acrylic on canvas
Dr. Khaled Sorour was born in Egypt. He has won many awards and scholarships. His works rely on two main sources, which are Egyptian daily life and Egyptian folklore, either the ancient Egyptian or Nubian. His main interest is the life of ordinary Egyptians, and his art works closely related to this life and to the Egyptian street as well.
115,400.00 EGP 115400.0 EGP
Sculpture By Abd EL Badie Abd EL Hey#3
Abd EL Badie Abd EL Hey#3
Abd El Badie Abd El Hey lived in Luxor, Minya and Cairo. He held a solo exhibition and participated in many group exhibitions locally and internationally. In addition to winning 6 local awards.
307,700.00 EGP 307700.0 EGP
Painting By Mohamed Sami#1
Acrylic on canvas

"Mohamed Sami is an artist who graduated from the Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University in 2006.
He participated in many group exhibitions and received many awards and honors from the state in the field of oil painting.
He also participated in painting workshops at the Opera House and worked as a lecturer in more than one art academy.
He has holdings in Egypt and some Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia and Lebanon"
12,000.00 EGP 12000.0 EGP
Painting By Lina Ali#1
Oil On Canvas
"Lina Ali Amin 49 years old Egyptian artist , working in the field of art for more than 20 years , her art reflects a lot of her passion for sports specially equestrian show jumping ,

During her artistic journey, which includes 7 solo exhibitions and her participation in more than 53 joint exhibitions inside and outside Egypt, she touched on several topics between horses & the beauty of their movement, darawish, dancers , landscapes, specifically abstract inspired by nature ."
17,000.00 EGP 17000.0 EGP
Painting By Eman Hakim#3
oil on canvas
Eman Hakim is an Egyptian artist, who has won many awards. She is influenced intellectually and artistically by observing human souls deeply
15,400.00 EGP 15400.0 EGP
Painting By Ashraf Reda#5
Acrylic on Canvas
Ashraf Reda lives in Cairo, has a distinguished career, and exceptional talent, holds a solo exhibition and has participated in various local group exhibitions. He won more than 40 awards locally and internationally.
160,000.00 EGP 160000.0 EGP